Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Knowing 2 - "Talking Picture"

...I had my first vision from God.

On the screen in front of me appeared a horizon, cluttered with buildings. It was a smoggy cityscape in tones of grey. Above it, the sun was busy setting. Out of nowhere a great hand appeared and wiped away all the manmade structures. Then the hand, using the thumb, drew a strait line from my perspective, strait into the horizon.

I had no idea what this meant...

Then God spoke and said to me: “Forget everything you have ever known about Me, I will teach you”.

There I was, speechless on my garden step.

It has taken me some time, but I have come to realise, that one can not learn anything new about a subject if you think you already know all there is to know. Old knowledge (buildings) on a subject stands in the way of knowing a new thing.

I had to let go of all the doctrine that I had been thought, because it would have taken years to figure out what was correct and what was man made. It is the “leaven” that Jesus so often spoke about. One little lie can make everything you know tainted.

God was preparing a clean slate for me to get to know Who He truly is and I was in for the ride of my life.

To be continued...

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