Saturday, 20 October 2012

God of Miracles Part 7 - No! Not "Bible Bashers"... "Bible Bikers!"

My hubby and I just returned from a wonderful ’glory‘ conference in Cape Town, where Dr. David Remedios, his wife Ps.Yvonne (USA) and their friend Ps.Gustavo Braun (South America) preached and ministered. 

What an amazing week! 

On our trip we ran into some biker folk. They had travelled over a 1000km on their motorbikes to attend this conference. The most unlikely looking Christians I have seen in a while, but with hearts as sweet as honey.

One particular man drew my attention, and I have asked his permission to share his story. His name is Sampie Holmes. There is not much difference between him and the rest of the ’Bomb-shelter‘ brothers, other than the fact that he only has one arm. 

His life-story however, is far more interesting than the mere fact that he is a one-armed biker! It turns out that he has only been saved for 8 months. He told me that he was a complete alcoholic and drug addict for close to 30 years. There used to be a time in his life, when he was a millionaire, but his addictions had cost him all that he had...

I asked him how he managed to get himself rehabilitated, and looking so healthy; his answer was amazing. He said that he woke up one day and told Jesus that he just could not bear his life the way it was any longer, and earnestly asked Jesus to heal him, so He did. Yup, just like that. He was healed. Never endured one minute's worth of withdrawal symptoms, and although he is surrounded with temptation all the time, he has no intention or desire to return to his old life. Instead he is sold out for Jesus and scoots around with the ’Gentle Giant Jesus Freaks’. I know they don't mind me calling them Jesus freaks, because they identified my husband as also being one, and honoured him by giving him a bandana with the words 'Jesus freak‘ on it.

I love it when Christians are completely out of the box and wholly/holy into Jesus!

Sampie Holmes and me.

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