Friday, 23 January 2015

What in the Word!?


 Romans 1:19 Amplified Bible

19 For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness, because God [Himself] has shown it to them.

I have heard intelligent people say that they don't read the Bible because they don't understand it, or it is boring to them. But intelligence or IQ is not the secret to enjoying or understanding your Bible. God Himself, through His Holy Spirit will reveal the meaning of the Bible to you. How does this work? Pray before you read and ask that the Light of God's understanding will shine onto the pages you read. Ask that the Holy Spirit reveal the meaning to you. It will be as if you receive 3D glasses to see the full message God intended. This is called "revelation". A 3D experience of the most divine secrets of the universe, printed in black and white. Once you experience revelation in your reading of the Word, you will know why people can read the same Book their whole life and never see it as a bore or a chore!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Power on the pulpit!

Acts 14:1 Amplified Bible
14 Now at Iconium [also Paul and Barnabas] went into the Jewish synagogue together and spoke with such power that a great number both of Jews and of Greeks believed (became Christians).

So many Christians have grown accustom to watered down morsels of dry bread from their church pulpits... This was not the original plan. We should never be board in church! Find a church that speaks with such power that nations fall to their knees in search of Jesus! Build a church that draws people in with fresh, accurate and untainted Word. Be a church that serves everyone who walks through your doors!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Love your Bible!

Acts 13:52 (Amp)

52 And the disciples were continually filled [throughout their souls] with joy and the Holy Spirit.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not a once off "service" to your broken spirit!

Be FILLED CONTINUALLY and get all that you need from God, to be filled and full of JOY! Be full of His JOY, the God kind of JOY that will lighten every burden and give you the momentum to push through life, even when others would just give up, you will persevere! Let the everlasting God, CONTINUALLY FILL you:

1. Through worshiping Him in song
2. Praying to Him in your own words and
3. Reading His Word daily!